Star Citizen: Evocati 3.24.0 | Initial Release Datamines - XenoThreat as Allies, FOBs, Player Skills, and More
Let's take another crack at mining | Formatting by Ninja
From time to time, we’ll take a bit to post a good chunk of info whenever we feel we have enough of it into a summary post like this regarding datamines. We’ll be doing our best to give a short description of what you’re looking at, alongside a vast majority of whatever text strings were necessary to make that description. As an Evo patch goes on, we’ll try and be more thorough, but for now here’s a brief overview of the new localization changes.
Strings regarding Blockade Runner, which is taking crates of Zeta-Prolanide from destroyed ships near a “blockaded station”
A hostile fleet of ships equipped with quantum jammers have created a blockade around ~mission(Location|address), destroyed the station's defensive turrets, and stole a large supply of Zeta-Prolanide. In response, the CDF has received authorization to activate its volunteer force.
Though the overall situation is dire, the theft of the Zeta-Prolanide is our priority. Without direct action, the loss of the sector's Zeta-Prolanide stores could have devastating effects to the wider economy of the whole system.
While local security forces are investigating the incursion, they've tracked the stolen to several locations so CDF volunteers are tasked with heading to these locations, recovering the stolen Zeta-Prolanide, and transferring it back to the station before the material completely degrades and is no longer viable. Just be careful, intel suggests that larger clusters of Zeta-Prolanide have a higher outlaw presence.
Since time is of the essence, having a tractor beam to assist in moving the cargo is highly advised.
As an added incentive, volunteers will receive regular bonus payments for their combined efforts.
BlockadeRunner_CargoElevator=Deliver Zeta-Prolanide
BlockadeRunner_Counter_Desc=Word is that a lot of Zeta-Prolanide has been stolen from ~mission(Location|address).\n\nIf you happen to come across any, bring it over to ~mission(DropOffLocation|address) and we'll make sure you get a good price.\n\nAnd if not, you can abandon this offer, no hard feelings.
BlockadeRunner_Counter_Obj_Long_01=Sell Zeta-Prolanide at ~mission(DropOffLocation|address) before it becomes inert.
BlockadeRunner_Counter_Obj_Marker_01=Sell Zeta-Prolanide
BlockadeRunner_Counter_Obj_Short_01=Sell Zeta-Prolanide at ~mission(DropOffLocation)
BlockadeRunner_Counter_Title=Lookin' for Zeta-Prolanide
BlockadeRunner_Counter_Title_HUD=Lookin' for Zeta-Prolanide
BlockadeRunner_Fail_Crimestat=CrimeStat Too High
BlockadeRunner_From=Civilian Defense Force
BlockadeRunner_Kiosk_Buy=Buy Zeta-Prolanide
BlockadeRunner_Kiosk_Sell=Sell Zeta-Prolanide
BlockadeRunner_Obj_01_Deliver_Display=Zeta-Prolanide Transferred: ~mission(SoldSoFar)/~mission(TotalToSell) SCU
BlockadeRunner_Obj_01_Deliver_Long=Recover Zeta-Prolanide from hostile ships and deliver it to the freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address).
BlockadeRunner_Obj_01_Deliver_Short=Deliver Zeta-Prolanide to the freight elevator at ~mission(Location).
BlockadeRunner_Obj_01b_Inert_Timer=Stolen Zeta-Prolanide Inert in %ls
BlockadeRunner_Obj_01c_Inert_Timer=Transfer Time Remaining: %ls
BlockadeRunner_Obj_02_Contribution_Display=Bonus Payment
BlockadeRunner_Obj_03_RetrieveFromShip_Display=Recover Stolen Zeta-Prolanide from Hostiles
BlockadeRunner_SecurityAlert_Desc_Attack=Attack in Progress
BlockadeRunner_SecurityAlert_Desc_Caution=Use Extreme Caution During Transit
BlockadeRunner_SecurityAlert_Title=Security Alert
BlockadeRunner_ShipMarker=Stolen Supplies Onboard
BlockadeRunner_Title=CDF ALERT: ~mission(Location) Blockade Runners Needed
BlockadeRunner_Title_HUD=~mission(Location) Blockade Run
BlockadeRunner_ZetaLocation_Threat1=Zeta-Prolanide Location: Small
BlockadeRunner_ZetaLocation_Threat2=Zeta-Prolanide Location: Medium
BlockadeRunner_ZetaLocation_Threat3=Zeta-Prolanide Location: Large
BlockadeRunner_ZetaLocation_Threat4=Zeta-Prolanide Location: Massive
Upcoming “Forward Operating Bases” for throughout Stanton
Lowdown - How did you even hear about this place?
Trilo - Some say three is an unlucky number.
Rico's Remains - Gone but not forgotten.
Broken Patch - Probably should just sit this one out.
Hurston Moons
(Arial) The Dregs - Ain't much worth scrapin' up here.
(Magda) Nevermind - Just forget about it.
Crusader Moons
(Cellin) Stone's Throw - Skip past here if you're smart.
(Daymar) Minlo Spire - The higher they are, the harder they fall.
(Yela) Half Stack - For when life comes up short.
Arccorp Moons
(Lyria) Rock Bottom - You have to hit it at some point.
(Lyria) World's End - The least civilized spot in the entire galaxy.
(Wala) Ako's Return - Startin' to think they'll never come back…
Microtech Moons
(Calliope) Blighter's Run - Best keep running.
(Calliope) Hasbin Hall - This place is all washed up.
(Clio) Kant's Peak - Not much to talk about here.
Transport Guild Reputation Levels:
Rank 0 - Trainee
Rank 1 - Rookie
Rank 2 - Junior
Rank 3 - Member
Rank 4 - Experienced
Rank 5 - Senior
Rank 6 - Master
Changes to missions involving straight forward ship killing, all under “KillShip”
KillShip_AssassinateMulti_Long_01,P=Assassinate Targets
KillShip_AssassinateMulti_Short_01,P=Assassinate Targets
KillShip_Assassinate_HUD_01,P=Assassinate ~mission(target)
KillShip_Assassinate_HUD_02,P=Assassinate ~mission(target): %ls
KillShip_Assassinate_HUD_03,P=Assassinate Target Time Remaining: %ls
KillShip_Assassinate_Long_01,P=Assassinate the ~mission(target).
KillShip_Assassinate_Short_01,P=Assassinate ~mission(target)
KillShip_Detect_HUD_01,P=Scan for ~mission(target)
KillShip_Detect_HUD_02,P=~mission(target)'s Found %ls
KillShip_Detect_Long_01,P=Scan the area and find the ~mission(target).
KillShip_Detect_Short_01,P=Scan for ~mission(target)
KillShip_EscapeTimer_HUD_04,P=Time Before Target Retreat: %ls
KillShip_FailReason,P=Target has escaped
KillShip_NeutralizeMulti_Long_01,P=Neutralize Targets
KillShip_NeutralizeMulti_Short_01,P=Neutralize Targets
KillShip_Neutralize_HUD_01,P=Neutralize ~mission(target)
KillShip_Neutralize_HUD_02,P=Neutralize ~mission(target): %ls
KillShip_Neutralize_HUD_03,P=Neutralize Target Time Remaining: %ls
KillShip_Neutralize_Long_01,P=Neutralize the ~mission(target).
KillShip_Neutralize_Short_01,P=Neutralize ~mission(target)
KillShip_NextWave_Long_01,P=New wave incoming
KillShip_NextWave_Short_01,P=New wave incoming: %ls
KillShip_Reach_HUD_01,P=Go to ~mission(Location)
KillShip_Reach_Long_01,P=Go to ~mission(location|address) to find the ~mission(target).
KillShip_Reach_Marker_01,P=~mission(target)'s last known location
KillShip_Reach_Short_01,P=Go to ~mission(Location)
KillShip_Title_AssassinationMultiTarget_01,P=Assassinate Targets
KillShip_Title_AssassinationSingleTarget_01,P=Assassinate Target
KillShip_Title_AssassinationTimed_01,P=Urgent Assassination Contract
KillShip_Title_AssassinationWaves_01,P=Assassinate Target Crew Members
KillShip_Title_BountyTimed_01,P=Urgent Bounty Contract
KillShip_Title_HUD_AssassinationMultiTarget_01,P=Assassinate Targets
KillShip_Title_HUD_AssassinationSingleTarget_01,P=Assassinate Target
KillShip_Title_HUD_AssassinationTimed_01,P=Urgent Assassination Contract
KillShip_Title_HUD_AssassinationWaves_01,P=Assassinate Target Crew Members
KillShip_Title_HUD_BountyTimed_01,P=Urgent Bounty Contract
KillShip_Title_HUD_MultiTargets_01,P=Neutralize Wanted Criminals
KillShip_Title_HUD_SingleTarget_01,P=Neutralize Wanted Criminal
KillShip_Title_HUD_Waves_01,P=Neutralize Criminal Gang Members
KillShip_Title_MultiTargets_01,P=Neutralize Wanted Criminals
KillShip_Title_SingleTarget_01,P=Neutralize Wanted Criminal
KillShip_Title_Waves_01,P=Neutralize Criminal Gang Members
New Pyro outposts being developed
Pyro 3 Outposts
Carver's Ridge - This claim's mine. Stay out unless you're bringing creds.
Windfall - Come find out if your trash could be our treasure.
Narena's Rest - We're not afraid to fight for our peace and quiet.
Pyro 4 Outposts
Chawla's Beach - Might not be the nicest place in the 'verse, but it ain't that bad.
Goner's Deal - Redi 2 trade. No bidness wit skagz.
Pyro 5a Outposts
Ashland - Any trade you can walk away from is a good trade.
Pyro 5b Outposts
Seer's Canyon - Scrap so fresh some of it's still warm.
Pyro 5c Outposts
Prophet's Peak - All hail the ruler of ruin.
Derelict Outpost - Derelict Outpost on Pyro 5c
Pyro 6 Outposts
Scarper's Turn - No free samples. Don't even ask.
Last Landings - Last stop for everything.
Canard View - Home of the famous 'Pyro Canard!'
Kinder Plots - You're either our friend, or you're fertilizer.
Stonetree - Bedlam ain't so bad.
Supply Gap - A great place to crash.
Blackrock Exchange - Trading for a better tomorrow.
Pyro 6 Outlaw Outpost
P=Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001 - P=Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001_desc
Resource Network Resources
RN_resource_QuantumFuel,P=Quantum Fuel
RN_resource_WeaponRegen,P=Weapon regeneration
Incoming changes to the Limited Test modes - including an incoming “AI Behavior” test, focused on testing more aggressive AI flight behaviors
New Flight AI Behavior Test Mode
This game mode is a special limited test used to collect feedback on several new features being developed for Star Citizen's flight model. It is not representative of the current Persistent Universe or intended final version of the game.
Full details on the flight model for Master Modes and the features present in this test can be viewed on Spectrum by clicking the link below.
New Features:
- Brand New AI Behaviors, focusing on closer engagements with more aggressive traits. Tuned for Master Modes.
- Enabled Atmospheric Maps
- Expanded Ship Selection: P-52, Buccaneer, Gladius, Super Hornet F7C-M, Vanguard Warden, Constellation Andromeda, Hammerhead.
- Adjusted Capacitor Tuning
- Rotational buffs under boosting, now depend on capacitor assignment.
- Retuned Shield Strength
- All Fighters now utilize "Bubble" shields.
For this test we are interested in how players utilize the overall Master Modes system across more environments and against our brand new AI behaviors.
All vehicles featured in this test are non-customizable and purpose built for this test. Please give them all a try and let us know what you think in the feedback.
Master Modes Test Mode
This game mode is a special limited test used to collect feedback on several new features being developed for Star Citizen's flight model. It is not representative of the current Persistent Universe or intended final version of the game.
Full details on the flight model for Master Modes and the features present in this test can be viewed on Spectrum by clicking the link below.
New Features:
- Enabled Atmospheric Maps
- Expanded Ship Selection: P-52, Buccaneer, Gladius, Super Hornet F7C-M, Vanguard Warden, Constellation Andromeda, Hammerhead.
- Adjusted Capacitor Tuning
- Rotational buffs under boosting, now depend on capacitor assignment.
- Retuned Shield Strength
- All Fighters now utilize "Bubble" shields.
For this test we are interested in how players utilize the overall Master Modes system across more environments, archetypes and modes.
All vehicles featured in this test are non-customizable and purpose built for this test. Please give them all a try and let us know what you think in the feedback.
Engineering Test Mode
This game mode is a special limited test used to collect feedback on several new features being developed for the upcoming Engineering gameplay for Star Citizen's vehicles. It is not representative of the current Persistent Universe or intended final version of the game.
Full details on the feature, everything included in this test and feedback focus can be found on the Spectrum link by clicking “Provide Feedback” below.
New Features:
- 3 Game Modes: Duel (A2 vs A2), Squadron Battle (A2 vs Gladius) and Free Flight.
- Fuses: Each player has fuses in their inventory. These can be used to fill empty slots in the relay or exchange broken fuses of the relays.
- Engineering Panel: This panel gives players an overview of the state of components and how they are connected. Here players will be warned about not sufficient power and if items are damaged and require repair. Additionally, players will see the states of the relays where warnings will be issued for missing or broken fuses.
- Damage done by attacking ships will now penetrate the hull and will damage ship items below. Players now can target the areas of ships where the ship components are placed.
- Power Management is partially present in this experimental mode where the focus is on simply turning items on and off to achieve power balance on the ship.
- Repair: Players have the Multitool with them to repair damaged ship items using the Salvage Repair mode. This mode will consume the RMC canister to bring back the health of your ship components.
- Additionally, we will use this mode as a test bed for some weapon balancing experiments. Details can be found in Spectrum.
How To Play:
- As part of the A2 crew you will spawn on-foot. To win, you must work together with your crew; filling the roles of Pilot, Gunners and Engineers.
- Access spare fuses in your inventory. Each player has a limited number of fuses, use them wisely.\n - Use VOIP to communicate with your crew.
For this test we are interested in feedback on players’ survival times. How much longer does a fully crewed A2 survive against a fighter attack versus how long does it survive with no item maintenance. Additionally we would like to gather data on the lifetime of your ship components and the frequency of fuses breaking.\n \nAll vehicles featured in this test are non-customizable and purpose built for this test. Please give each a try and let us know what you think in the feedback threads.
Some incoming changes to the Gun Game mode to alter armor class during a match
ea_ui_msg_gungame_ArmorDown=Armor Class Decreased
ea_ui_msg_gungame_ArmorUp=Armor Class Increased
An upcoming Mirai branded flight suit (likely to be released alongside the Guardian)
item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_01_01,P=PH - mrai_flightsuit_01_01_01
item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_02_01,P=PH - mrai_flightsuit_01_02_01
item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_03_01,P=PH - mrai_flightsuit_01_03_01
item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_04_01,P=PH - mrai_flightsuit_01_04_01
item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_05_01,P=PH - mrai_flightsuit_01_05_01
item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_01,P=PH - mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_01
item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_02_01,P=PH - mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_02_01
item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_03_01,P=PH - mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_03_01
item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_04_01,P=PH - mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_04_01
item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_05_01,P=PH - mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_05_01
All the new Furniture Items in 3.24’s initial release
item_decoration_armchair_AEGS_description=Arm Chair Decoration
item_decoration_armchair_AEGS_name=AEGS Ship Arm Chair
item_decoration_armchair_RSI_description=Arm Chair Decoration
item_decoration_armchair_RSI_name=RSI Ship Arm Chair
item_decoration_armchair_highend_description=Arm Chair Decoration
item_decoration_armchair_highend_name=High End Arm Chair
item_decoration_armchair_lowend_description=Arm Chair Decoration
item_decoration_armchair_lowend_name=Low End Arm Chair
item_decoration_chair_DRAK_description=Chair Decoration
item_decoration_chair_DRAK_name=Drake Ship Chair
item_decoration_chair_beanbag_description=Chair Decoration
item_decoration_chair_highend_description=Chair Decoration
item_decoration_chair_highend_name=High End Dining Chair
item_decoration_chair_lowend_description=Chair Decoration
item_decoration_chair_lowend_name=Low End Dining Chair
item_decoration_couch_highend_description=Couch Decoration
item_decoration_couch_highend_name=High End Couch
item_decoration_couch_lowend_description=Couch Decoration
item_decoration_couch_lowend_name=Low End Couch
item_decoration_table_highend_large_description=Table Decoration
item_decoration_table_highend_large_name=High End Table Large
item_decoration_table_highend_medium_description=Table Decoration
item_decoration_table_highend_medium_name=High End Table Medium
item_decoration_table_highend_small_description=Table Decoration
item_decoration_table_highend_small_name=High End Table Small
item_decoration_table_lowend_large_description=Table Decoration
item_decoration_table_lowend_large_name=Low End Table Large
item_decoration_table_lowend_medium_description=Table Decoration
item_decoration_table_lowend_medium_name=Low End Table Medium
item_decoration_table_lowend_small_description=Table Decoration
item_decoration_table_lowend_small_name=Low End Table Small
Quantum Travel Failure Conditions
item_qt_drive_blocked_by_Navpoint=BLOCKED BY NAVPOINT
item_qt_drive_hidden_by_Zone_Culling=ZONE CULLED
item_qt_drive_hidden_by_navpoint=HIDDEN BY NAVPOINT
item_qt_drive_hidden_in_adoption_radius=IN ADOPTION RADIUS
item_qt_drive_range_reached=DRIVE RANGE REACHED
item_qt_drive_towing_too_heavy=TOWING TOO HEAVY
item_qt_no_drive_available=NO DRIVE
item_qt_no_target_selector=NO TARGET SELECTOR
item_qt_no_vehicle=NO VEHICLE
item_qt_notidle=QDRV NOT IDLE
item_qt_status_enclosed=IN ENCLOSED STRUCTURE
item_qt_status_insufficient_fuel=INSUFFICIENT FUEL
item_qt_status_interdiction=IN INTERDICTION FIELD
item_qt_status_invalid_target=INVALID TARGET
Animal Hunting Missions getting some Significant Polish + New Mission Types
killallanimal_desc,P=Find ~mission(Items) on ~mission(Location) and cull some of the population
killallanimal_title,P=Exterminate the ~mission(Items)
killallanimals_desc_prev,P=We have a population issue on ~mission(Location) please find the following animals and help us reduce their population:\n~mission(Items|List)
killallanimals_obj_hud_01=~mission(Creature) Killed %ls
killallanimals_obj_long_01=Exterminate ~mission(creature) on ~mission(Location).
killallanimals_obj_short_01=Exterminate ~mission(creature) on ~mission(Location)
killallanimals_title_prev,P=Exterminate Animals
killallkopion_desc,P=Usually I am more of a dog person but...
killallkopion_obj_long,P=Locate Kopion around Stanton 4 and exterminate them
killallkopion_obj_short,P=Kopion's Killed %ls
killallkopion_title,P=Exterminate the Kopions
killallmarok_desc,P=Do they tweet or squawk
killallmarok_obj_long,P=Locate Marok around Stanton 4 and exterminate them
killallmarok_obj_short,P=Marok's Killed %ls
killallmarok_title,P=Exterminate the Maroks
killanimalslocation_obj_hud_03,P=~mission(Creature) Remaining %ls
killanimalslocation_obj_hud_04,P=No ~mission(Creature) Remaining At This Location
killanimalslocation_obj_long_01,P=Clear all Nests of ~mission(Creature).
killanimalslocation_obj_long_02,P=Locate nest inside ~mission(location|address).
killanimalslocation_obj_long_03,P=Eliminate all the ~mission(Creature) inside the ~mission(location|address).
killanimalslocation_obj_long_05,P=Clear remaining nests of ~mission(Creature).
killanimalslocation_obj_short_01,P=Clear All Nests of ~mission(Creature)
killanimalslocation_obj_short_02,P=Locate ~mission(Location) Nest
killanimalslocation_obj_short_03,P=Eliminate All ~mission(Creature)
killanimalslocation_obj_short_05,P=Clear Remaining Nests of ~mission(Creature)
killatlocation_desc,P=Go to ~mission(Location) and eliminate the ~mission(Creature) Infestation
killatlocation_multi_obj_HUD,P=Total Remaining ~mission(Creature): %ls
killatlocation_multi_obj_HUD_01,P=Exterminate ~mission(Creature) Population in Dens
killatlocation_multi_obj_HUD_02,P=Clear Remaining Dens of ~mission(Creature)
killatlocation_multi_obj_HUD_short,P=Clear ~mission(Creature) Den
killatlocation_multi_obj_long,P=Exterminate all ~mission(Creature) at ~mission(Location|Address).
killatlocation_multi_obj_short,P=Exterminate ~mission(Creature) at ~mission(Location|Name)
killatlocation_multi_obj_target,P=Eliminate ~mission(Creature)
killatlocation_obj_long_01,P=Locate the sand cave on ~mission(Location)
killatlocation_obj_long_02,P=Kill all the ~mission(Creature) at the den %ls
killatlocation_obj_short_01,P=Exterminate ~mission(Creature) Population in Dens
killatlocation_obj_short_02,P=~mission(Creature) remaining &ls
killatlocation_title,P=Pest Control
killcollect_obj_hud_01=~mission(items) Collected %ls
killcollect_obj_hud_02=Items Delivered %ls
killcollect_obj_long_01=Collect ~mission(items).
killcollect_obj_long_02=Deliver requested items to ~mission(Destination|Address).
killcollect_obj_short_01=Collect ~mission(items)
killcollect_obj_short_02=Deliver Items to ~mission(Destination)
killcollectanimal_desc,P=Animals were harmed in the process ~mission(Items|List)
killcollectanimal_obj_long,P=Collect ~mission(Items) for delivery
killcollectanimal_obj_short,P=~mission(Items) Collected %ls
killcollectanimal_title,P=Gather Animal Resources
killcollectanimals_deliver_obj_long,P=Deliver the requested items
killcollectanimals_deliver_obj_short,P=Delivered Items %ls
killcollectkopion_desc,P=Locate any type of Kopion and bring us some of their horns
killcollectkopion_title,P=Gather Kopion Horns
killcollectmarok_desc,P=Just a little bit gross
killcollectmarok_obj_long,P=Locate Maroks and collect their pearls
killcollectmarok_obj_short,P=~mission(Items) Collected %ls
killcollectmarok_title,P=Gather Marok Pearls
RAIN_killcollectcreatures_multitype_desc_01,P=To all available contractors,\n\nRayari has been continuing our efforts into the next generation of scientific research, but recently, we’ve had to halt an invaluable research project due to a lack of biological materials critical to our efforts and are eager to have our stock restored.\n\nAs such, we are seeking people who can track down multiple species in the wild, acquire the requisite biological components from the different specimens, and deliver them to ~mission(destination|address).\n\nFor more information on the animals in question, refer to "The Guide to Stanton Wildlife" in your Journal.\n\nLet’s grow together,\n\nSenior Manager for Clinical Research Outsourcing,\nNarina Lerrem
RAIN_killcollectcreatures_multitype_title_01,P=Biological Research Material Needed
RAIN_killcollectcreatures_onetype_desc_01,P=To all available contractors,\n\nAs part of an active research project here at Rayari, we are in need of freshly harvested ~mission(items).\n\nAs such, we are seeking people who can track down ~mission(creature) in the wild, acquire the requisite biological components and deliver them to ~mission(destination|address).\n\nFor more information on the animals in question, refer to "The Guide to Stanton Wildlife" in your Journal.\n\nLet’s grow together,\n\nSenior Manager for Clinical Research Outsourcing,\nNarina Lerrem
Some Reputation strings, including ones that show them working on reputation based discounts.
mobiGlas_Reputation_discountSidearmsGarrity,P=On sidearms at Garrity Defense
Upcoming player status changes, including future skill systems such as Fitness, Fortitude, Reflex, and Strength.
mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_BloodDrugLevel=Blood Drug Level
mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_BloodDrugLevelShort,P=Drug Level
mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_BodyTemperature=Body Temp
mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Conditions=Conditions and Effects
mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_CurrentStateTitle=Current State
mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Drugs=Active Drugs
mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_HeartRate=Heart Rate
mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_PhysicalStatusTitle=Physical Status
mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_SuitEnvironmentTitle=Suit and Environment Status
LAMP series of scopes, described as including “low-light functionality suitable for operations in dim environments.”
Item_Descnvtc_optics_holo_x1_s1_LAMP=Manufacturer: NV-TAC\nType: Projection \nAttachment Point: Optic\nMagnification: 1x\nAim Time: +15%\nSize: 1\n\nWhether under the blazing sun or on the dark side of a moon, the NV-TAC Gamma projects an easy to see reticle to help ensure your shot finds its mark. This version of the scope includes low-light functionality suitable for operations in dim environments.
Item_Namenvtc_optics_holo_x1_s1_LAMP=Gamma LL (1x Holographic)
Item_Namenvtc_optics_holo_x2_s1_LAMP=Gamma Duo LL (2x Holographic)
Item_Namenvtc_optics_holo_x3_s1_LAMP=Gamma Plus LL (3x Holographic)
Item_Namenvtc_optics_rdot_x1_s1_LAMP=Delta LL (1x Reflex)
Item_Namenvtc_optics_tsco_x4_s2_LAMP=Tau Plus LL (4x Telescopic)
Item_Namenvtc_optics_tsco_x8_s3_LAMP=Theta Pro LL (8x Telescopic)
A new Pyro mission in which you work for Xenothreat to defend against the enemy “Headhunter” faction. The mission will have players defending various locations from their various attacks, culminating into a “Full Raid”
xenothreat_defend_HH_H_desc_001=The Headhunters still haven’t learned their place in Pyro and are about to launch a full raid at ~mission(location|address). Unfortunately for them, you’re going to stop it. \n\nHead there ASAP, recruit allies if you need to, and prepare to neutralize their raiding party by any means necessary. That includes dealing with whatever reinforcements they decide to throw your way. \n\nYou have my full support.\n\nComm. Spec. Engler\n
xenothreat_defend_HH_H_title_001=Halt Incoming Headhunter Raid
xenothreat_defend_HH_M_desc_001=One of our scouts has been tracking increased Headhunter movement around ~mission(location|address) and we believe that they are prepping to launch a full attack there. \n\nWe have a small window of opportunity to neutralize their offensive, so we want you to get on site and prepare to mount a defense before the Headhunter forces arrive. \n\nWith the numbers they have in the area, there’s little chance they’ll be convinced to give up after a single attempt, so prep for reinforcements. \n\nComm. Spec. Engler\n
xenothreat_defend_HH_M_title_001=Halt Incoming Headhunter Attack
xenothreat_defend_HH_VH_desc_001=The amount of time the Headhunters waste taking us on, when they could be fighting Humanity’s real enemies is infuriating to say the least. And now, they’ve decided to launch a raid against ~mission(location|address). They can’t be allowed to succeed.\n\nGather any supplies and support you’ll need and head there before the attack starts. I’m guessing they won’t be prepared to be met with any formidable resistance, at least for the first wave of the assault. Any reinforcements they send will be better equipped, so be ready. \n\nHopefully once you put them down, they’ll finally learn their lesson. \n\nComm. Spec. Engler\n
xenothreat_defend_HH_VH_title_001=Halt Incoming Headhunter Incursion
Series of strings relating to the upcoming MFD rework
ui_MFD_View_Invalid=Unknown MFD View
ui_MFD_View_Off,P=MFD Turned Off
ui_MFD_View_ResourceNetwork,P=Power Management
ui_MFD_View_SelfStatus=Self Status
ui_MFD_View_TargetStatus=Target Status
Cargo Hauling Mission variants that go from 2 to 4 stops, from Small to “Bulk” haul sizes, from Local to Solar System wide transport. Ranges from a straightforward route, multiple stops for a single haul, a single stop for multiple hauls, and then finally a round trip variant.
Cargo Hauling Intro Description:
Earning such accolades as 'Imperial Finances' Top 10 Shipping Companies' and 'Delivery Digest's 2945's Most Trusted Transport,' Covalex is busier than ever. And that means more cargo going to more places. That's where you come in.
Covalex is looking for dependable and industrious pilots to join our expanding family. Do you have access to a ship that can hold six SCU of cargo? Can you pass an Advocacy background check if required? Then a universe of opportunity is waiting for you.
Simply complete an 'Evaluation Trial’ by picking up a shipment of (mission item) from the freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and successfully delivering it to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address).
Upon satisfactory completion, you'll be eligible to become part of Covalex Shipping's vast network of independent transport specialists*.
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
*Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex jobs start with “Evaluation Trial” in which you need a ship that can hold 6 SCU of cargo, upon completion more missions will open up to you.
Opportunity for Independent Cargo Hauler:
There’s some junk waiting at the freight elevator in ~mission(Location|address) that needs to go to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) for processing. My mom would’ve loved this run. She’s one of those who thinks every scrapyard is filled with hidden treasures. Can’t even tell you how many hours I spent bored out of my mind following her around one. If that’s your thing, here’s a chance to actually make credits going to one.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
‘Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Above are all non-location specific beginner hauling jobs for Covalex, basically taking items from point A to point B.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Interstellar)
Any interest in doing the Stanton leg of an interstellar run?
There’s a haul of (mission item) waiting to be picked up from the freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and delivered to the freight elevator at (mission destination). No need to take it any further than that. I’ve got someone else lined up to run it through the jump to its final destination.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Description Variant 1)
Need a contractor for a simple cargo haul going from the freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Any chance you’re available to take care of it for us?
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Description Variant 2)
The freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) has some cargo that needs to be delivered to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Another hauler backed out at the last minute, so you’d be doing me a big favor if you could take care of it.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Description Variant 3)
A new haul just popped up. Details are below, if you’re interested.
1. Pick up cargo from the freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address).
2. Deliver to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address).
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Orison Processed Food)
Direct (CargoRouteToken) (CargoGradeToken) Cargo Haul
Looks like Orison needs another resupply of processed food and pressurized ice. They have this stuff on a standard delivery schedule but they just requested a shipment as soon as possible.
Are you available to make the run? The stuff is waiting to be picked up from the freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Should be a quick and easy run for you to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address).
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Hurston Raw Ore)
Direct (CargoRouteToken) (CargoGradeToken) Cargo Haul
A Hurston logistics manager at ~mission(Location|address) just requested priority pick up from their facility. Sounds like they struck a new vein of ore and need to make room for what they're extracting.
The raw ore needs to be moved from the freight elevator at ~mission(Location) to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Sound like something you could handle?
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Microtech Refined Ore)
Direct (CargoRouteToken) (CargoGradeToken) Cargo Haul
~mission(Destination|address) needs a delivery of refined ore to keep their production lines humming. The cargo is ready and waiting for pick up from the freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Any chance you’re available to collect and deliver it to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination)?
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Arccorp Scrap and Waste)
Direct (CargoRouteToken) (CargoGradeToken) Cargo Haul
There's a bunch of scrap and waste waiting at the freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) that needs to go to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) for sorting. I know ArcCorp started an initiative to reduce waste and recycle more scrap on planet, but I haven’t seen any decrease in these types of hauls from them yet.\n\nAre you available to move this batch of assorted junk off-world for them?
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Below are missions where you will pick up cargo from point a, bring it to point b, then pick up a package from point b and bring it to point c, etc.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Linear Chain Variant 1)
Our data technicians strung a few runs together so you can pick up a new batch of cargo as you’re dropping some off which should make the run a lot more efficient. Here’s what the itinerary looks like:
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Linear Chain Variant 2)
Looks like the stars aligned perfectly for this run. There’s new cargo to pick up from each location where you're making a drop. Here are the details if you’re interested. ~mission(LinearChainToken)
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Hauling Opportunity (Linear Chain Variant 2)
Our data technicians really outdid themselves with the efficiency of this cargo run. Each drop off location has more cargo waiting to be picked up.
If you’re interested, best to grab this run before someone else does.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Hurston Multiple Pickups to Single Dropoff)
Multi-Stop ~mission(CargoRouteToken) ~mission(CargoGradeToken) Cargo Haul
Need the trash collected from a few Hurston locations and then taken to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address).
Fun fact for you. Hurston is the only planet in Stanton that doesn’t separate their trash and scrap. One of their workers told me that the company did a cost-benefit analysis on it decades ago that determined it wasn’t worth putting a planet-wide system in place to facilitate it. Isn’t that the most Hurston thing ever?
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Multiple Pickups to Single Dropoff Variant 1)
Multi-Stop ~mission(CargoRouteToken) ~mission(CargoGradeToken) Cargo Haul
There’s a load of cargo that needs to be delivered to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). The only thing is that the cargo is spread across a few locations, which I’ve listed out below.
Makes no difference what order you grab the stuff, as long as it’s all delivered.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Multiple Pickups to Single Dropoff Variant 2)
Multi-Stop ~mission(CargoRouteToken) ~mission(CargoGradeToken) Cargo Haul
Here’s an interesting one. ~mission(Destination|address) is expecting a few shipments so the data technicians bundled all the pickups together. Here’s a list of the stops:
Feel free to do them in whatever order you want. Only thing that’s important is that all of them get delivered to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination).
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Multiple Pickups to Single Dropoff Variant 3)
Multi-Stop ~mission(CargoRouteToken) ~mission(CargoGradeToken) Cargo Haul
Hi there,
I’m in a bind and hoping you can help. A trusted hauler signed up for a run that needs to be delivered ASAP, but their ship junked out right when they were about to launch so I need someone to take over this run right away.\n\nThe cargo needs to go to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) after being collected from a few locations, which I’ve listed below:
The delay has already caused issues at some of the pick up locations. They really need that cargo gone to free up space for new deliveries. Any chance you can collect everything above and deliver it as quickly as possible?
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs - Hurston Raw Ore)
Hurston is requesting that we prioritize pick ups from the local mining facilities to free up space for what they’re extracting. Here’s everywhere you need to go:
Once collected, everything needs to get to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|Address). Sound like something you could handle?
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs - Arccorp Scrap)
Hi there,
There’s a few sites on ArcCorp that need their waste and scrap collected and taken to the freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Doesn’t matter what order you do the run, as long as you grab it all.
You know, my mom was a hauler who specialized in runs like this. It might not be the most glamorous stuff, but she claimed these runs had the best pay-to-risk ratio. Pirates never gave her any trouble when they found out what was on board.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs - Fuel and Ammo)
The folks at ~mission(Location|address) have what I like to call a “pilot’s special” waiting to be distributed - a haul of quantum fuel, hydrogen fuel, and ship ammo. Load it up from the freight elevator and deliver it to the following spots in whatever order works best for you.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs - Stims)
There’s a load of stims at ~mission(Location|address) ready to be picked up from the freight elevator and delivered to a few spots. Any chance you can knock this one out for me? \n\nDoesn’t matter what order you drop them off.
Glad I never picked up the habit myself because I swear I get more delivery update requests for “where are my stims?!?” than any other kind of shipment.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs - Refined Ore)
Hi there,
The refinery at ~mission(Location|address) has been busy. They’ve processed a bunch of ~mission(Item) and are looking to get it shipped out from their freight elevator. I just checked with the LEOs to see which ones needed this stuff and was able to put together this run.
Should be an easy run for you, if you’re free.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs Variant 1)
Seems like ~mission(Location|address) currently has some cargo that needs to be separated and delivered to a few different spots.
Drop-offs can be done in whatever order works best for you.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs Variant 2)
I’ve a multi-stop run here that needs to be done. Good news is that all of the cargo can be picked up from the freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). The drop offs are spread across a few locations, but can be done in any order.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs Variant 3)
Interested in knocking out a few runs at once?
There’s a load of cargo waiting at the freight elevator in ~mission(Location|address) that needs to be delivered to the following spots:
Feel free to route plan the drop-offs as you see fit.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs - Crusader Food)
There’s a few Crusader facilities that need to be restocked with processed food and pressurized ice. Don’t know why but I’m always surprised when I see how much of this stuff they need delivered.
Anyways, there’s a haul of the stuff waiting at ~mission(Location|address). Once you grab goods from the freight elevator, these are the facilities where it needs to go:
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs - Refined Ores Mixed)
The refinery at ~mission(Location|address) has been busy. They’ve processed a mix of refined ores and are looking to get them shipped out from their freight elevator. I just checked with the LEOs to see where this stuff is needed and was able to put together this run.
Should be an easy run for you, if you’re free.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Multi-Stop Cargo Haul (Single Pickup to Multiple Drop Offs - Refined Ore Microtech)
Hey there,
There’s some refined ore that needs to be moved from the freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) to production facilities on microTech. You can plan the drop offs anyway you want. Doesn’t matter what order they get done as long as they get there.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Cargo Haul Circuit (Variant 1)
Based on feedback from some haulers, our data technicians have started organizing cargo runs that end with a drop off at the initial pick up site. Got one here if you’re interested.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Cargo Haul Circuit (Variant 2)
Hey there,
Got a good run here. The itinerary includes a few stops with the last delivery bringing you back to where you do the first pick up.
Here are the specifics:
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Covalex Cargo Haul Circuit (Variant 3)
Any chance you’re free? The hauler who usually handles this circuit is out sick. Nice thing about this run is that it ends at the same place it starts.
Let me know if you can knock this out.
Chase Hewitt
Jr. Logistics Coordinator
Covalex Shipping
'Anything you need, anywhere you need it.'
Covalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
Some interesting final strings
starmap_boxout_Greeble_1,P=PROXY:B-TYPE MODE: YES
starmap_boxout_Greeble_2,P=AR SCAN
starmap_boxout_Greeble_5,P=/// SCAN COUNT:098
starmap_boxout_Greeble_6,P=REG ID: UEE-2846-00-A CX
Tips/Contact | (Read Me First)
Signal: dannywhatever.115
Discord account: ‘hater115’
Feel free to support & follow through Discord, Patreon, or Paypal